Islamic Divorce Committee

The Islamic Divorce Committee provides Islamic ruling based on the Quran and Sunnah.

The Islamic Divorce Committee is composed of scholars and imams who are experts in the field of Islamic Fiqh (jurisprudence) in the areas of Marriage, Divorce, Khula, and Faskh an Nikah (annulment via judicial dissolution).

About The Committee

Islamic Divorce Committee has been established to help Muslim brothers and sisters who find themselves at discomforting and uneasy cross-roads of their relationship. Whether that be reconciliation through meaningful mediation and helpful interventions or whether it be the choice to pursue an Islamic divorce, Islamic Divorce Committee will offer its full support and guidance in helping the applicants arrive at their desired objective.

Islamic Divorce Committee

Our Practice Areas

The Islamic Divorce Committee provides a swift and practical solution to such cases and provides Islamic ruling on each case based explicitly on the Quran and Sunnah.
Committee decisions and decrees are evidenced and sent to both parties as confirmation.

To make a khula application please contact :


In Islam, divorce is considered a last resort if a couple cannot continue their marriage. There are various steps that need to be taken to ensure that both parties are treated with dignity and respect. In Islam, marriage is regarded as a blessing, and it should be filled with compassion, mercy, and serenity.


Khula is a solution in which the wife requests the intervention of a third party (Islamic Divorce Committee) to free her and terminate the marriage in return for the mahr dowry being repaid to the husband if he agrees.


If the husband refuses consent to granting the talaq and the khula, Islamic law permits islamic judges and Imams (Islamic Divorce committee) who are expert in the fiqh of nikah and talaq to dissolve the marriage. This is known as Faskh (judicial dissolution). This can be applied without the consent of the husband as long as the shari principles are applicable once investigated by The Committee.

Shar’i grounds for Talaq/Divorce

  • Where the wife suffers physical, financial, or emotional harm from the husband.
  • Where the husband suffers certain physical defects, such as impotency.
  • Adultery or infidelity.
  • Where there is difference of religion or husband nullifies his Islam.
  • Neglect from husband towards wife with regards to intimacy.
  • Incompatibility which is unresolvable.

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